After a lesson observation by our Assistant Head teacher I
was selected along with another teacher at the school to be a part of a coaching
triad working with other schools in the borough to improve our teaching and learning. In our triads we each observe and give
feedback to one another with a particular focus area, decided upon in the first
meeting. The triads are made up of
teachers from different schools, different subjects and different age groups in
In our first meeting at Park High school our group decided
to focus on slow independent deep learning. This was something that had been
thrust in front of me in our most recent inset (@Kevbartle) and I really liked
the idea but wasn’t too sure what it would look like in lessons. In our triad we discussed some areas of focus
and went away and researched some more to get a better understanding.
I decided to focus on universal skills in lessons which can
be used in all walks of life and put this to a year 7 class a few lessons prior
to the first observation. In a
badminton lesson we discussed deep learning and the G&T in the class really
grabbed onto this idea and came up with some great answers in relation to real
world skills. During the connection phase
students talked about the benefit of our activities and an improvement in their
hand eye co-ordination to help them with their writing in class. By the end of
the lesson students were able to use their own success and failure to talk
about much bigger messages such as taking the easy way out, persevering and
people’s different approaches to challenge.
Students in the class really liked how we were linking other areas into
our PE lesson and asking them to think more about how skills are inter related
with everyday life. It is getting them
to think more and they are all enjoying this new angle to their lessons.
I taught the first lesson of three in our triad and taught a
lesson on teamwork. Having just been to
a teachmeet, I was full of ideas and enthusiasm for the lesson. I started with
a silent brainstorm regarding key words related to teamwork and then got the
students to decide upon their own focus in the lesson They were split into four groups and each
group compiled their own list of key words. The groups fed back to the rest of
class and then decided on one word in particular that they thought was the most
important. These were: trust,
co-operation and communication. Students then graded themselves by my making an
‘A, B or C’ with their hands on each of the key words. I split the hall in two and had on two
identical obstacle courses set up on each side.
Classes would complete the obstacle course with three students
blindfolded and three students guiding them round, in their teams they would
decide on the best strategy to get their team round. Each group was timed to
add an element of competition. The two groups not participating observed the
groups and made notes on WWW in relation to the three key words. These groups fed back and the active groups
were able to feedback to me what they thought they needed to improve on based
on the peer evaluation.
The groups rotated and were able to adapt the skills they had
learnt from observing first time round.
In the consolidation phase students then graded themselves again using
their hand signals and we focussed on some of the key skills for each of the
key words and some of the improvements that had been made.
The lesson went well and I made a real effort to not rush
activities and for students to give effective peer observation so there was
slow independent learning. I wanted
students to know exactly what their strengths were and what they needed to do
to improve. Unfortunately, we did run out of time to consolidate as well as we
could have but in the next lesson I picked up where we left off and students
quickly linked back to the last lesson. The feedback from the triad was really
good and opened my eyes to other areas to improve on such as cross-curricular
links. Both colleagues who observed me talked about how students should be able
to use language from Maths and English to communicate better with each other
and were surprised that the students themselves hadn’t made the link. This is now one of the focuses in my lessons and
I am constantly challenging students to make links with other subjects in the
activities which students are now starting to do quite effectively; improving
both their literacy and numeracy in PE.
The following week I observed a Maths teacher. The lesson
was very good and the students made clear progress but there were also some
structural elements that I thought could be improved on. During the feedback, the teacher was very
receptive to ideas and genuinely wanted constructive feedback on how he could
improve. We discussed some of the areas that could be worked on. One of them
was the use of two different topics in a lesson instead of focussing on one and
breaking it down into smaller chunks.
In the lesson the
teacher discussed ways to be resourceful such as dialogue with the person next
to you, sharing ideas and using your book to help solve the task/challenge. He included this in his lesson objective but
there was little assessment of this in the lesson and focussed mainly on how
student’s solved the tasks. I have been
guilty of this before and it can be so easy to focus on your main objective in
the lesson.
In the final week of the first round of observations I
observed a Year 5 lesson it was a very different atmosphere to a secondary
school (with much lower ceilings). The students were excited to have us in the
classroom but quickly focussed when the teacher started the lesson. I really enjoyed the lesson, there was a lot
more use of touchy feely resources (jam, toothpaste, vegetable fat, pictures of
objects) which really engaged the students early on. This is something that I
am trying to incorporate more with the use of fascinators (connection
activities) in my lessons. The students
worked exceedingly well in groups to find the difference between a solid,
liquid and gas. Their passion for
finding the answer was evident as well as their ability to work
interdependently: they all got stuck in and were very into the task asking each
other challenging questions and investigating solutions themselves.
The pupils were so keen to give their answers and got very
excited, as you would expect the noise level went up but only because of their
eagerness to let the teacher know what they had found out. This was something
that was discussed afterwards and strategies such as using their hands to grade
themselves (A,B,C) and having somewhere for students to contribute answers,
such as post it notes or writing under key words on A3 paper would give
students an outlet for their answers.
As a coaching triad we are now half way through the process
and it has been fantastic. I have learnt a lot from the other teachers but it
has also given me an opportunity without the stress of a formal
observation. I feel much more driven to
improve that area of my lessons (slow, independent, deep learning) and have
more confidence in the direction I am heading with my teaching. Having a clear focus has allowed me to make
marginal gains which are so crucial and which are benefitting the rest of my classes, giving
me more motivation to improve my teaching. I am really looking forward to the next phase
and am strongly behind the power of coaching.
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